Monday, March 1, 2010

9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: An Open Letter To A Liberal Apologist

Regarding 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Thanks for appreciating what I do, even though you obviously don't agree. As far as the "FACTS" go, however, you are incorrect. I have numerous "FACTS" at my disposal to share with anyone, including you, who really wants to know the truth about 9/11. It is not I who have tried to change anyone's mind with "force," but the perpetrators of conspiracy theories, who, as a MATTER OF FACT, have ZERO FACTS!

The problem is that so far, the majority, nay, almost all, of the truthers I have exchanged comments with, have shown little, if any, desire whatsoever to read even the smallest amount of vast information available. 

It's sad, indeed, but true, that Truthers don't really want to know THE TRUTH because thay have been brainwashed by clever conspiracy-theorists, similarly to the modern Neo-Nazi movement. These Neo-Nazis have been brainwashed by Holocaust Deniers and other anti-semitic propaganda; this is yet another false, and extremely dangerous, conspiracy theory.

I also must tell you that I do not appreciate your comparing America to Nazis and the Roman Empire! Surely you do not actually believe this, do you?

You said "Love everybody." Do you know what loving the Taliban and Jihadist Terrorists is going to accomplish? It won't accomplish anything. Tell all of the millions of dead souls, mostly Jews, that if they had only "loved" Hitler, there would have been no Holocaust, and they never would have been killed. Do you think that would have been the case? Evil is Evil, and one can't love Evil and Goodness both.

Author's Note: The person I wrote this Open Letter to is a gifted artist. Unfortunately, I was not aware of his political leanings until I read his posted comments on my recent Facebook status. This Open Letter was originally a posted reply, in the form of a comment, on my Facebook Wall. 

Click to read my status, and all Facebook comments written by Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, plus comments by a few of her currently 2,700+ Facebook friends.

Related Links
The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories
National Geographic TV Debunks 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Monday
Journal of Debunking 9/11
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - Video
Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video 

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


If you believe in 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, then you are a "Truther," and I totally disagree with Truthers. There is a great deal of unbiased, scientific evidence proving 9/11 Conspiracy Theories to be completely false, and it is quite comprehensive in its scope.

Besides the scientific evidence, our government, under the leadership of President George W. Bush, would not have wanted to destroy America, or Americans, and the very thought of that is completely absurd.

I don't believe our country killed anyone in the name of religion. You have that backwards. It is the Islamic Jihadist Terrorists, in the name of their Muslim, or Islamic religion, that attacked America, and killed thousands of innocent victims. Our retaliation was not one of religion, but of self-defense.

As for Rush Limbaugh, I happen to like the guy, and certainly would not want a friend who advocates physical violence against him. (Do you really think this is an example of a "free thinking individual", by the way -- to say that you would like to beat up Rush Limbaugh simply because you disagree with him? This has to be an example of a person who has no comprehension of what a "free thinking individual" is.

At the beginning of your message, you stated that you are a "free thinking individual." If you are really as "free thinking" as you suppose yourself to be, then why would you believe in Conspiracy Theories, physical punishment for President George W. Bush, and his cabinet, (you stated that: "Bush, Cheney,Rumsfeld, and Rove should all be punished for war crimes"), and physical violence to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh?

The above statements you made in your email to me do not sound like those of a "free thinker" at all to me. You have bought into a line of thinking consistent with certain leftist, Anti-American liberals who are as far from "free thinking" as is possible in the realm of thought.

My advice to any American who hates America, (and that includes you), is to move to the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan, and then see if life is better in that part of the world.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This post is my response to an email I received this morning from someone who identified himself as being a "free thinking individual who is Agnostic and Liberal." I decided to publish my response as an Open Letter.

Related Links
The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories
National Geographic TV Debunks 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Monday
Journal of Debunking 9/11
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - Video
Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video 

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Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized While Liberals Display Hateful Remarks
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9/11: No More Conspiracy Theories Please
"Terrorism" IS The Politically Correct Word for Islamic Jihadist "Terrorists"
24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
24 Saga Of Jack Bauer's Confession To A Muslim Imam Continues

To find more of My Related Posts, you can : Search CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM using the Search Bar at the top of every page, click on each of my Featured Posts, search my Blog Archive, and/or search my Labels.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Conservative Tenets Of A Conservative American Female Patriot

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is a conservative political website emphasizing the beliefs of the Republican Party/GOP.

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM supports Republican presidential candidates, and Republican candidates in general.

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is proud to proclaim the greatness of the United States of America.

CONSERVATIVE WORDMSMITH.COM honors American soldiers, and salutes American soldiers as true American heroes.

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is not afraid to be politically incorrect, and finds political correctness to be reprehensible.

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is not afraid to use the word "TERRORISM."

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM explicates the dangers of terrorism.

*In fact, you have entered an ANTI-TERRORIST ZONE operated by Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, a CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN FEMALE PATRIOT, and author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM.*


*If you have experienced this UNEXPECTED EVENT, DO NOT be alarmed, as this is a common and completely harmless SIDE-EFFECT.*

*In fact, the SIDE-EFFECT of being transformed into a POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE has several benefits, including (but not limited to) a new sense of PURPOSE AND PASSION in your life, newly created brain cells causing bursts of WISDOM AND INTELLIGENCE previously unknown, frequent feelings of HAPPINESS bordering on EUPHORIA, and a general sense of WELL-BEING.*

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