Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mayor Villaraigosa Vows To Put Prop. 8 Back on California Ballot

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, in speaking about California's controversial Gay Marriage Proposition 8, vowed on Sunday, June 14, ""to put this issue back on the ballot." 1

If Mayor Villaraigosa succeeds, this would be the third time that Californians have been coerced into voting for Gay Marriage, when they have already made it clear that they are not in favor of two men, or two women, being called husband and wife.

By the way, Mayor Villaraigosa is a Roman Catholic, who, if you recall, was recently involved in a personal public scandal (cheating on his wife). It would be nice if Mayor Villaraigosa would set a better role model for young Latino men in the Los Angeles area, who look up to him as their Mayor.

1 http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-gaypride15-2009jun15,0,1449845.story

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Did Jack Bauer Convert To Islam During His Deathbed Confession To The Muslim Imam?--Poll Results

The Jack Bauer/Muslim Imam Poll is now closed as of 5-29-09 at 1:53 AM. Thank you for voting. Here are the final results:

14 (32%)
14 (32%)

4 (9%)

I'm not sure.
1 (2%)

The script was not clear.
3 (6%)

I'm tired of liberal politically correct propaganda in the mainstream media.
11 (25%)

Jack Bauer did not convert. He merely had a pleasant conversation with the Muslim Imam.
8 (18%)

Jack Bauer's brain has been contaminated with unusual chemicals, and he is no longer capable of making a rational decision.
4 (9%)

Jack Bauer is a secular humanist atheist, and has no real interest in any religion.
1 (2%)

I want the old Jack Bauer back!
13 (30%)

I will vote tomorrow after I've had a chance to calm down.
4 (9%)

Votes so far: 43 Poll closed

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

POLL: Jack Bauer/Muslim Imam Deathbed Conversion Poll Closing Soon--Vote Now!

My Did Jack Bauer Convert To Islam During His Deathbed Confession To The Muslim Imam? Poll is closing soon. Now is your chance to vote about this ongoing issue with Jack Bauer and the Muslim Imam Deathbed scene as seen in the last few minutes of Season 7 on Fox TV's 24. There is no registration or email address requirement when you vote.

Bookmark this site, as the results will be published in a new blog post.
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