Monday, January 4, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Says He Is Proof That American Health Care System Works Just Fine

According to an article in today's New York Daily News, Rush Limbaugh said that His own experience proves the American health care system works just fine and needs no fixing.

In typical liberal fashion, "Defenders of the Obama plan replied that the health care system has always worked just fine for multimillionaires."

My interpretation of Rush Limbaugh's statement about the American health care system is that Rush was referring to the quality of health care he received. Being a millionaire is not the point.

And let's not forget that many of Obama liberal representatives have excellent health care coverage, the kind that caters to multimillionaires.

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Rush Limbaugh Rushes Back To New York's WABC 770 AM Radio This Wednesday

RushPopular Conservative Talk Show host Rush Limbaugh will return to the air waves on Wednesday, January 6, according to an article published today by the New York Daily News.

Limbaugh will be making "guest visits" to his show today and tomorrow, speaking with fill-in host Mark Steyn, then he will be back in the host's chair Wednesday. His show is heard in New York on WABC (770 AM), from noon to 3 p.m.
So sorry to disappoint all of you not-so-well liberal wishers, but Rush Limbaugh is alive and well, and, as I reported a few days ago, did not have a heart attack.

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Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and opinions.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Conservative Blogospheric Site For Politically Incorrect Conservatives And Wordsmiths

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is your conservative home on the Internet, a place where you can read fresh, conservative posts in a warm and friendly blogospheric atmosphere. Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin believes in exploring everything that matters. Everyone is welcome to subscribe to CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM. There is no catch or fee attached to your subscription. 

If you are tired of politically correct liberal or conservative thinking, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that compassionate and tolerant conservatism does not need to be politically correct about using words like Muslim (Islamic) Jihadist Terrorists.

In fact, CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is not a site that is afraid of using the word "terrorism." The events of 9/11  will never be forgotten at CONSERVATIVE WORDMSMITH.COM headquarters, which consists of one tiny, energetic woman of wit, Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin. 

The time to put aside the negative problems of 2009, issues that almost everyone has experienced, has arrived with the new year 2010.

Let us (conservatives) go forth into 2010 with new vigor, creativity, assertiveness, and faith in the conservative values we cherish. We conservatives should never be afraid to be politically incorrect or to express our thoughts and opinions to the liberal world at large.

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM invites both current and new readers or subscribers to share ideas. Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin appreciates your thoughts, comments, and emails.

My Related Posts - An archive of previously published, and very politically incorrect posts, written by the former #1 blogger on's Top Ten List, Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin.

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