Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Will 24 Hero Jack Bauer Be A Muslim Believer In Season 8?

Will Jack Bauer, the hero portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland in Fox TV's 24 series, be a Muslim believer in 2010's Season 8? In May of 2009, I wrote a post entitled 24 Saga Of Jack Bauer's Confession to a Muslim Imam Continues. The following quotation is an excerpt:

Earlier this morning, I wrote a post about Kiefer Sutherland's character, Jack Bauer, as he was portrayed on Monday night's final episode of 24. I have received many hits on my site since then. Obviously depicting Jack Bauer as making his final deathbed confession to a Muslin imam has struck a strong chord with many 24 fans.

I have been an avid fan and follower of 24 since Day 1, and I don't recall Jack Bauer's religion having ever been mentioned on any of the previous episodes. Jack Bauer, having been a crusader, in a manner of speaking, against terrorism in past episodes, Muslim Jihadist terrorism in particular, has never shown any religious interest in becoming a Muslim.

Even though the final episode of 24's Season depicted the dying Jack Bauer confessing to a Muslim imam, I don't believe that Jack Bauer will actually be a Muslim in Season 8. Whether Jack Bauer will or will not be a Muslim when Season 8 premiers in January of 2010 depends, of course, upon whether Jack Bauer is still alive.

I'm guessing that the writers of 24 have by now realized the mistake they made, in the first place, by writing the now infamous Jack Bauer/Muslim imam deathbed scene.   They have probably figured out a miraculous, never before heard of, scientific discovery that has revived Jack Bauer  from the nearly departed.

My best guess is that there will be no follow-up on 24's Season 8 of the Jack Bauer/Muslim imam deathbed confession scene at all. The writers, in my opinion, will simply pretend that the Muslim imam scene in the final episode of 24's Season 7 never existed, and hope that the many angry 24 fans will be a forgiving TV audience.

My Related Posts

I wrote and published several related posts to this post you are currently reading. To read more, simply scroll down and click the "Jack Bauer" Label Tag located on the right hand side of any page.

Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Sarah Palin: "She's Not Retreating; She's Reloading."

I don't understand how any conservative could not like Sarah Palin. Now if you are calling yourself a conservative, but you secretly despise Sarah Palin and harbor fond thoughts about President Barack Obama, then that is a different situation.

In any case, Sarah Palin's new book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" is already a best-seller even though it is not scheduled to appear in your local bookstore until tomorrow, November 17. In the meantime, Sarah Palin appears on the Oprah Winfrey show today.

"One year later, Palin has seen more than her fair share of controversies but has emerged as one of the hottest Republican stars and is among the early leaders for the 2012 presidential nomination."

"We came back [from the campaign] to a new normal in Alaska. Everything had so changed in my administration," Palin continued. "There were so many opposition researchers up there in Alaska that were sent, probably, by the Obama camp. ... It was a point where my state of Alaska was being hampered by my presence there."

"Ultimately though, Palin made clear the move wasn't so much an end as it was a beginning."

"My dad's quote sums it up better than I sum it up," she said. 'She's not retreating; she's reloading.'"

Source: Sarah Palin tells Oprah about controversies, future 

The original date of this publication was November 16, 2009.

Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Sarah Palin Is A Superstar Politician On Twitter And Facebook

If you think Sarah Palin is out of the political picture, think again. According to Matthew Continetti, associate editor of the Weekly Standard and the author of "The Persecution of Sarah Palin,"
"She has more followers on Facebook than any politician except President Obama. When I checked on Friday, she had close to 15,000 people following her on Twitter."
Source: Sarah Palin wants to friend you
My 550 followers or so on Twitter look rather humble in comparison. Maybe I should change my Twiiter Username from SusanBWordsmith to SusanBWordsmithPalin. There's a thought.

The original date of this publication was November 16, 2009.

Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.

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