Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christian Minister Dan Barker Became Atheist Due To Reading Secular Books

Choose your reading material carefully. Look what happened to the atheist, secular humanist Freedom From Religion Foundation's co-president Dan Barker.

"He received a degree in Religion from Azusa Pacific University and was ordained to the ministry by the Standard Community Church, California, in 1975." 1

"Dan maintained a touring musical ministry for 17 years, including eight years of full-time, cross-country evangelism." 1

"Following five years of reading, Dan gradually outgrew his religious beliefs. "If I had limited myself to Christian authors, I'd still be a Christian today," Dan says. 'I just lost faith in faith.' He announced his atheism publicly in January, 1984." 1

"Dan was PR Director of the Freedom From Religion Foundation from 1987 to 2004. He was elected co-president of the Foundation with Annie Laurie Gaylor in 2004. He is a contributing editor of Freethought Today and is involved with the Foundation's state/church lawsuits." 1

1 Dan Barker
Co-president, Freedom From Religion Foundation
Minister Turned Atheist

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Freedom From Religion Foundation's Dan Barker Speaks Out Against Nativity Scenes

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is at it again. Take a look at this Fox News video featuring Dan Barker.Militant Atheists Vs. Christmas - Click this link to view a Fox News video featuring Dan Barker from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Evidently Mr. Barker has a serious problem with nativity scenes.

If you recall, I recently wrote about the Rancho Cucamonga, California Imagine No Religion billboard fiasco. That billboard, which has since been removed due to the pressure of angry residents of Rancho Cucamonga, was put up by the same atheist, secular humanist Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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