The beloved American President John F. ("Jack") Kennedy was assassinated on the November 22, 1963, at the young age of 46. The young and handsome President John F. Kennedy, with his cultured and beautiful wife, First Lady Jacqueline ("Jackie") Bouvier Kennedy, are commonly called the rulers of Camelot, because the American public idolized them as if they were a king and queen of a kingdom. The shock of President John F. Kennedy's unexpected and untimely death was almost too much for many Americans to bear.
Although President John F. Kennedy was officially a Democrat, there are some conservatives today who do not believe that President John F. Kennedy was a true liberal. The reason for this belief is due to the fact that the basic tenets of the Democratic party have become a great deal more liberal since the era in which John F. Kennedy was the U.S. President.
President John F. Kennedy's assassination is cloaked with various conspiracy theories. Did Lee Harvey Oswald really assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or was Kennedy's death the result of some strange, secret plot? If you want to know the truth about JFK's assassination, check out The Kennedy Assassination by John McAdams. John McAdams debunks the conspiracy theories, myths and hoaxes surrounding the President John F. Kennedy's untimely death by assassination.