Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legalization Of Marijuana Most Popular Question for Obama

On "Your Interview With The President," the YouTube site that has been set up for a live stream of President Barack Obama's 2011 State of the Union Address plus questions posed to Mr. Obama by YouTube participants, the number one question appears to be regarding the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana by the federal government. I doubt very much if President Barack Obama, as liberal as he is, would stoop so low on the liberal ladder as to legalize marijuana.

It is a bit disturbing that the most popular question on the YouTube site, "Your Interview With The President" is focused on the issue of legalizing marijuana, rather than on the more pressing issues of the day, such as the loss, and lack, of jobs, the economy, and America's national security. I trust and hope that YouTube is not an indication of the views of most Americans. I personally voted, along with the majority of Californians, against the legalization of marijuana when it appeared on the 2010 ballot. Even though the crime factor is a serious issue when it comes to street drugs, legalizing marijuana is not the answer.

My Related Post on WebAnswers:

State of the Union 2011: Ask Mr. Obama Questions

President Barack Obama will deliver his State of the Union Address for 2011 on Tuesday, January 25 at 6 PM Eastern Time and 9 PM Pacific Time. A special YouTube site has been set up on which anyone who is a member of YouTube (including Americans or individuals who live in other countries around the globe) can ask President Barack Obama questions about various political topics, such as jobs and economy, foreign policy, national security and health care.

The State of the Union Address is an American political and presidential tradition within the great United States of America. Now is your chance to ask President Barack Obama your questions. You will also have the opportunity to comment on the questions that have been posted by other people, and other people might actually read your intelligent comments. Whether you are a Democrat, Independent, Republican, Tea Partier, or other, you can now post your questions for President Barack Obama for this special YouTube interview entitled "Your Interview With The President."

The questions will be streamed live on the specially designated YouTube site, and the actual "Interview" will take occur on Thursday, January 27. The link to the special "Your Interview With The President" site is being provided in this post for your convenience.

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